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Soap Opera song free download
The Soaps takes you back to the days of soap operas of love,family drama's that provided entertainment for women as they did their daily actives at home. The Soap Opera cliffhangers kept listeners come back everyday. Join us as we go back to early radio and The Soaps.
HBO also produces the critically acclaimed "Girls," featuring wunderkind Lena Dunham's take on 20-somethings. And HBO wannabe AMC is responsible for the critically-adored "Mad Men," the ultra-stylish look at 1960s America through the eyes of Madison Avenue ad men. But it's the convoluted fantasy soap opera full of incest and torture that is the big hit, not the more obviously art-y shows.
It's part of the genre I call musical soap operas -- TV shows that are little more than story outlines off of which they hang the tunes that really tell the tale. Those songs are then sold through iTunes where they boost the show's revenues to the point that they sometimes turn the weekly episodes into little more than advertising for the albums.
Artistically, Nashville is a cut above both. And while the writing devolves into that sloppy soap opera drivel that fails both the actors and the audiences, the music -- which makes a weekly plea for artistic integrity -- has created a fully-realized world.